Founder Jeannine Carter shares her pearls of wisdom through her DEIB lens.
A Conversation about Racial Inequities in Healthcare with Dr. Malika Fair
In addition to leading Incluvations, Jeannine also leads a committee of Kellogg (Northwestern University) alumni who have come together to: Galvanize Kellogg alumni and peers/friends to understand the root causes and impacts of racism in our society so we can break...
Looking at Wellness & Wellbeing Through the Lens of DEI
There have been indicators for decades…and now more and more research is out there that says we have to look at this…about how stress has a severe negative impact on all of us! Moreover, research indicates that due to other complexities in our society, i.e., racism,...
Conversation about The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 with Scott Ellsworth
In addition to leading Incluvations, Jeannine also leads a committee of Kellogg (Northwestern University) alumni who have come together to: Galvanize Kellogg alumni and peers/friends to understand the root causes and impacts of racism in our society so we can break...
Resilience: Practical Daily Tips
We are facing so many challenges right now which, therefore, can preoccupy our thoughts. Given that I, just like many, have been thinking a lot about the concept of resilience. It is not new to us. But sometimes when we hear words too many times they lose their...
Questioning Yourself…It’s Not a Bad Thing
Have you ever found yourself questioning — whether it be yourself and your purpose or work and what the next right step is or life in general or more? This can be rather disconcerting especially when you are referred to as an “expert” or a “leader”. This questioning...