We are facing so many challenges right now which, therefore, can preoccupy our thoughts. Given that I, just like many, have been thinking a lot about the concept of resilience. It is not new to us. But sometimes when we hear words too many times they lose their meaning.

As a reminder, resilience means “being able to adapt to life’s misfortunes and setbacks.” We, or at least I sometimes, also tend to forget what to do to sustain resilience — which is such a strange phenomenon of selective memory and how we do or don’t prioritize ourselves. So here are some basic reminders — and consider not only adapting to the many challenges we are ex-periencing, but continuing to thrive:

Be Grateful: Start every day by thinking about what’s good in your world or what are you are grateful for in your life? List at least 3 things you are grateful for, or why not 10. What makes you happy? It’s not just that you have things in your life that you can be grateful for, but it’s the pro-cess of doing this that shifts the energy which helps so much.

Stay Ahead of It: “Eat your frogs.” Do your least favorite thing first.

Focus on You: When we end calls or conversations, my daughter says, “Take care of my Mom.” I love that. It really stays with me. Take care of you, the way you take care of others. Do one thing every day that benefits your holistic you.

Learn from Your Past: Remember the definition of “insanity”. Let’s not keep doing the same things and getting the same results that we don’t want.

Stay Connected: Make one positive connection, whether that be saying hello to someone in the coffee shop, calling an old friend or colleague or making a new one.

Remain Hopeful: “It gets better.” Adapt, aspire, and look ahead. We can’t change the past.